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Who is Mz Nan

Summerville, South Carolina, United States
My Name is Nannette Nicole Ewing-Dewese some of you all know me as Nannette, Nan, or Nicky, I'm 35, Born in Boston MA, but raised in Cambridge MA. I relocated to Summerville, SC October 2010.... Happily Married...


Welcome to my blog Real is Real.... This blog is about keeping it real about real life issues and topics.... I won't accept fake people on my blog site as I will have no problems calling you out... lollll.... I also want to have fun with it as well. I hold nothing back so if you are the type to get offended my blogs won't be for you. lolll... I hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy. :)

Mz Nan.....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hello all,

I know it's been a while... It's been a rough month with all the losses in my family especially the recent one with the passing of my Uncle Billy... I want to start out by saying Thank you to all my friends and family that have been supportive during this time... You had to know my uncle to understand the impact and capacity he had on people's lives.... It'll definitely take me a while to process this one but my uncle is at peace now resting comfortably with my grandparents, aunt, uncles, great aunts and uncles, etc. After attending his funeral with nearly 1000 people that's why I had to name this blog friendship in his honor. It was truly amazing to see all the friends, family, colleague's, school mates, etc that came out for my uncle. Even Senator Scott Brown that attended Tufts with my Uncle was in attendance... Even for myself during the last few years during my ups and down times I've truly seen who my real friends and even with my recent trip to Boston... All I'll say is this even if you send a text message or just pick up the phone too say hey I was just checking on you that's what a friend does.. A friend to me is not sending me messages through social networking sites/email and that's our only form of communication unless there are certain circumstances just not acceptable to me. Friendship is like a marriage or relationship it requires work and effort and I've seen people that have and still are putting in the effort and people that are basically associates... My best friend is in the military in Afghanastan and she communicated with me through facebook but she picked up the phone and called me to check on me that's why we've been best friends for 24 years no matter where she is at or what part of the world she's in she always reaches out to me.... But because you tweet me or write on my facebook wall daily doesn't classify you as being my friend even though we are in a different era of life today with communications I still believe in the old fashion way at times picking up the phone we aren't robots... When I came to Boston I made an effort to reach out too all those that were my friends in my time of need and from the return I got it's never been clearer to me who my real friends are... On that note that's all I'll say on that subject.... I'm not trying to turn this into a negative blog just expressing myself so some people understand where I'm coming from... Basically my point is everyone in attendance at my uncle's funeral made an effort to be there from all parts of the world including myself and that's true friendship/family... I'll leave with this scripture below.

The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray.
(Proverbs 12:26)

RIP Uncle Billy
9/9/61 - 2/24/12

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello all,

Told you I would get better about blogging lolll... Happy Friday and a extra special shout out to the frauds that are going to be doing the whole Judgement Day Weekend Thing aka Valentine's Day lolll... Let me start off by saying before I get started that I'm in a very good relationship so I'm not bitter about "Judgement Day" but like all other commercial holidays it's another over the top day for no reason lolll.... First off the name of this blog is "Judgement Day" because ladies this is geared more towards you all my #teampinkmoscato crowd lolllll... You all should be putting your time and energy into more important things then Valentine's Day... You can go out to dinner any day of the week you want for 100 dollars less than on that day. Well the moscato will always be the same price in the liquor store anyways so you'll have no problems there unless you are going to a fancy restaurant in that case wait until you get home loll... You can get a teddy bear any day of the week just not pink, red, or white and you can dayum sure get chocolates for cheaper minus the heart shaped boxes... loll.. Ever since elementary school I never seen the hype in it and again it has nothing to do with not being with someone or whatever nonsense you're thinking, but in reality for me my birthday is 9 days before and far more important than this. You should love, respect, cherish, and spoil each other more than one day of the year.... I'm bracing myself for the fb posts either you're looking forward to it, you wish you had a valentine, or the aftermath it wasn't all that you expected.... Ladies & Gentleman that are single should be happy you are not spending a paycheck this coming Tuesday for f***king what????? Sidenote ladies and some gentleman you should expect a better production on your anniversary or something with more significance than "Judgement Day"... The reason I call it "Judgement Day" is you would think the world was coming to an end the way mofo's get so overly excited and if they don't get something or have someone that there life is over... Me & my other half have this dicussion all the time the same thing I do for him on the 14th of February is the same thing I do all year around not just then.... I just had to touch on this subject since I know it's coming up in a few days and like I said some of you are getting ready for your weekend rendevous... lolll... I'll probably be taking a poll of the most creative "Judgement Day" post I see and that person might make be a special guest appearance on my status update we'll see lolll... Enjoy being frauds for the next few days and then back to your regularly scheduled program just like New Year's and your New Year's Resolutions lolll.. How is that working out for some of you all lmaooooo??? This too shall pass.... lmaooo...

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello all,

This is what I like to call my Birthday Reflection Blog...Every year the night before my birthday I reflect about everything that has gone on the past year and what to look forward too the coming year.... As some of you all know I get very excited around this time lolll... I'm also blessed too see each Birthday and to know that I've accomplished something in the previous year and that I will accomplish more in the coming year... This past year was a little rough but I've been blessed with no complaints and I'm embracing 34 with open arms.... So far I've been on track to accomplish my goals for the coming year... I have a alot business ventures in the works and plan on expanding my current business I will keep you all posted on what the details are as I will need to network with some of you all.. lolll... I just like to Thank my friends and family for supporting me each year and I look forward to the same support in the coming year... With all this being said I'd like to wish myself a Very Happy & Blessed Birthday (Officially February 5th at 3:12am lolll)... Go Pats on my Super Birthday Bowlll.. F**k The Giants... lolll... And Again Thank you all... Signing off at 33.

Love Always,

Nannette N. Ewing
Hello all,

Sorry it's taken me so long to blog but I've been busy unlike some of you mofo's according to my newsfeeds... It's been one hell of a year I guess I'll start with current news very sad of the passing of Don Cornelius I was and am when the reruns come on a faitful soul train watcher now those award shows a whole another story.... RIP Don Cornelius as I stated count all your blessings as tomorrow is not promised.... Then we have another celebrity divorce (surprise) Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Ummm yes so not sure who Kobe's legal team was 10 years ago but they should be fired for no prenup but on another note he got off cheap 75 million and 3 mansions lollll.. Kobe was definitely in the wrong not 75 million dollars and 3 mansions worth especially since you weren't on the baketball court with me #justsaying loll I'm definitely not a promoter of mofo's getting paid for something they didn't do male or female and don't care how many kids you have... 2 kids will never spend 75 million dollars again #justsaying lolll.. Then we have Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher ummm yea another situation if we have no kids or no ties and we are going through a divorce and your doing things to harm yourself ummm I wouldn't be running to your side as harsh as it sounds I'm just being real... lolll... That's just ridiculous... It's just aggravates me how these people make a mockery of marriage I'm sure it's way over 50 percent of divorces now just with these clowns alone... In other news as some of my reality shows have come to an end Love & Drama I'll comment more when I see the reunion show as well as Kim & Kourtney do I really need to comment on that except saying Kris Humphries should be counting his blessings lolll My current reality shows The Braxtons If I had a sister like Tamar I'd kill myself.com loll Real Housewives of Atlana which seems to be very interesting these days seems as though Nene is on prozac or something she's way too calm lolll I'm looking forward to Basketball Wives so look out for my commentary on that again lollll... So with all of this drama in the news and on reality tv it encouraged me to do some 2012 cleaning to my social networking lists as you just read I can get enough Drama from reading entertainment news and watching tv rather than in people's never never land they call facebook and twitter lolll... Since I've done this I'm able to enjoy these sites a little bit more without these mofo's that consistenly pop up in my newsfeed about the same shyt different day even though it was a ton of blog material for me it was also extremely old very quickly lolll... With all this being said I'm signing off for now... Happy Black History Month I'm sure there will be some mofo on my page putting up a black person every day for the next 29 days lolll...

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hello all and Happy New Year I know I'm 2 weeks late but whatever... lolll... I'm here now... I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and hopefully all your New Year's Resolutions have been broken by now lolll..... Along with being real I like to stay positive as well.. :) ... The name of this blog is Welcome to 2012 lolll First off earlier this week I deleted alot of my blog material aka FB Friends list lolll As much as I love the comedy loll Ummm I had to let go of the drama as well tired of reading the same ish day in and day out which means I would be blogging about the same thing day in and day out not a good look lolll... Also these were same mofo's with the New Year's Resolutions which ended pretty much on January 2nd they went back to the same 2011 bullshyt lolll all set... lollll I've noticed as well some of my statuses people were taking to heart and as you all know not that serious... Entertainment Purposes only I guess that's going to have to be my new motto in 2012 because there are alot of sensitve mofo's out there never realized it..... Especially when you start talking about reality tv which isn't much of reality... lolll.. Let's talk about that for a second... Does anyone notice how staged these shows are or is it just me????? Grant it it's good comedy but they have to do better with the acting... lolll... Along with For love of Jim and Chrissy aka Love and Drama just a sidenote on that show until there is a date there's nothing more worth speaking about regarding jim and chrissy. lolll. Hence the interview I just seen them do on hot 97 in NY when Angie Martinez asked about a date and Jim choked on his champagne he just popped.... Anyways... lollll The Braxtons are up there with the c'mon son lolll... That's just a show I don't comment on because I watch it after it comes on I always forget what day it comes so I have to catch it on my DVR... But ummm I've seen Tamar on Tiny and Tonya and ummm her fake ass latoya jackson looking self knows she doesn't really act like that.com lolll Which is the stupidest shyt I ever heard lollll... It still goes along with the rest of the entertainment I like to watch... My biggest question is why do people take to heart the comments I write about these shows unless they feel it personally applies to them in there daily life loll Other than that it's no different than any other sitcom that comes on TV they just name it something different... lolll.... If you are offended by my posts this is all I have to say is F*&k You and get over it please it's not that serious..... lollllll... All I do is laugh at comments and remarks I get from it aside from the people I know that aren't taking me that serious... lol.... If cyberworld affects your life that much it must mean you don't have a life or much of one hence why I deleted some of the people off my list... lolll... Anywho hopefully my next blog won't take as long lolll Just wanted to write my first blog of the year... I hope all is well with you all even though it's only day 15 of the New Year lolllll. I'll shall return soon...

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tis The Season:

I know it’s been a while but like the rest of you frauds this holiday season has had me busy lollll… A few topics I’d like to touch on before 2011 is out the first is inspired by my cuzzo “Kevin Clarke” loll… Why is everyone so fraudulent during the Holiday season???? Good Question my thoughts are this first is this if I don’t send you a card any other time of year or speak to you… Ummm Christmas is definitely not going to be one of the, and I like how people are so over excited when they talk to you or greet you like you’re going to buy them a gift or something double negative…. Between Christmas and New Year’s not sure what’s the worse the fraudulent cheery mofo’s at Christmas or the Make over mofo’s for New Year’s lolll Speaking of which let’s get on that Holiday for a minute as I clearly stated the other day on fb (my favorite social networking site lolll) Ummm not sure how the next year is going to better than the previous year if you are still dealing with the same drama year in and year out for example if you been with the same person the last few years and there’s no marriage but you’re hoping the New Year will bring that I have some bad news for you my friends it’s not going to happy just ask Chrissy (Love & Hip Hop) some people have hope I guess… lolll… or you still got issues with your Baby’s mother/father 9 times out of 10 that’s going to stay the same too and my particular favorite the mofo’s that are going to get summertime ready but still eating at the buffet’s lollll Need I really say more lolll… We all have dreams and aspirations, but let’s be realistic just a little people and just keep it real all year through or please take your act to Hollywood so you can at least get paid because it’s the same thing day in and day out or year in and year out. For anyone that knows me I keep it pretty consistent if the year is bad I’m not going to talk about it I’m just going to make the necessary changes I need so it’ll be better in the next one… I’ve already been married so I’m not in that fantasy world of waiting for someone to ask me that I’ve wasted the last several years with….I have no kids and never will so I don’t have to worry about the baby mother/father drama lolll… Ummm I def don’t need to get summertime ready because I’m in good shape and I don’t like to eat everything in site anyways… lol.. I’m going to be the same person on 12/31/11 that I will be on 1/1/12 a matter of 24 hours isn’t going to present some miracle, you have to make it happen…. period bottom line. You can’t blame anyone for your own demise except yourself for allowing the same things to happen to you over and over. I know some people have said to me unless I’m in the situation I wouldn’t understand, but I don’t deal with things the same way other people deal with things in certain situations also, some people need to look or think about that at that before they even approach me with the nonsense. I don’t have to justify certain scenarios or situations I’ve been in, some things are just common sense and you don’t have to have experience for that lolll…. A lot of things I do comment on I’ve had some type of experience with or close too just for the record…. If someone is complaining about something over and over and doesn’t change it….Ummm “sidenote” then you just like the drama/attention because if it didn’t bother you then you wouldn’t speak on it consistently then say you are making the grand change for the following year…lolll… Just some food for thought for those that get offended by my posts/blogs sometimes and people that do get offended or testy rather lolll are dramatics anyways because 9 times out of 10 it applies to them in some way. Just remember the stuff people think I actually say and will continue to do just that and if you don’t like “Kick Rocks”…. Just needed to get that off my chest so on that note… I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I’ll shall return in 2012 as Nannette N. Ewing lolll….

Signing off for 2011,

Nannette N. Ewing

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's December so all you mofo's that are getting ready for your I can't believe 2011 is gone already with the how you are going to become the new Oprah/Michael Baisden in 2012 along with complaining about Christmas shopping... Ummm I can't feel your pain because it's not me... lol... I'm going to be the same person on 12/31/11 that I will be on 1/1/12... Christmas is on the calendar every year so you shouldn't be shocked when it comes around and usually when the time goes forward which happens to be at the end of every year it does go fast lolllll.. With that being said Let's jump right into it.... Black Friday vs Cyber Monday.... I was having a conversation with my cousin "Kevin Clarke" and mentioned to him that the liquor stores made a ton of money this Black Friday and Cyber Monday moscato and peach ciroc sold out because it seems as though "chicks" are on some new bullshyt not sure if it's because they are starting the New Year resolutions early and getting rid of the dude they are going to talk to anyways because they are lonely on New Year's Eve or someone filled there head with the typical bunch of bullshyt but ummm some of the shyt that i've been coming across lately as they say in the twitter world #ultimatefail.. lolll... There's nothing more aggravating then a bunch of whiny/katty bitches lolll.. That's why I stated earlier in the week I can only hang with one female at a time.. loll.. The reality show market is not helping either with putting all these moscato chicks together in one room... lollll... Like I've stated many many times I don't knock anyone's hustle or whatever, but when you think you are better than others because you have your cyber world church choir you don't have to worry about me being apart of that not going to happen... lolll... When someone starts cutting me a check to entertain America or cyber land you will receive some of my best material lollll but since that's not the case not yet anyways lol... K.I.M as my boy Litho would say "Keep It Moving"... I'm a only child and don't demand the attention that some these broads have been demanding lately... I think I'm going to put a plug into Facebook and Twitter so we can get some type of award show going because people are really going H.A.M like they are nominated for a Grammy or something if I could only be a fly on the wall in there house on a daily basis I can only imagine.... loll.. I just might start my own reality show "Cyber Hoes and Bytches" I'm sure I would hit record numbers just like all the rest of the reality shows on VH1, bravo, etc... It's not that serious I just hope there kids don't turn out the same way because I know I couldn't have a mini me I'd be in jail lolllll and I'm not even 10 percent as bad as some of you all are... I just had to get that off my chest... I'll be back soon with my next blog until then....

Love Always,

Mz Nan