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Who is Mz Nan

Summerville, South Carolina, United States
My Name is Nannette Nicole Ewing-Dewese some of you all know me as Nannette, Nan, or Nicky, I'm 35, Born in Boston MA, but raised in Cambridge MA. I relocated to Summerville, SC October 2010.... Happily Married...


Welcome to my blog Real is Real.... This blog is about keeping it real about real life issues and topics.... I won't accept fake people on my blog site as I will have no problems calling you out... lollll.... I also want to have fun with it as well. I hold nothing back so if you are the type to get offended my blogs won't be for you. lolll... I hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy. :)

Mz Nan.....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello all,

Sorry it's taken me so long to blog but I've been busy unlike some of you mofo's according to my newsfeeds... It's been one hell of a year I guess I'll start with current news very sad of the passing of Don Cornelius I was and am when the reruns come on a faitful soul train watcher now those award shows a whole another story.... RIP Don Cornelius as I stated count all your blessings as tomorrow is not promised.... Then we have another celebrity divorce (surprise) Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Ummm yes so not sure who Kobe's legal team was 10 years ago but they should be fired for no prenup but on another note he got off cheap 75 million and 3 mansions lollll.. Kobe was definitely in the wrong not 75 million dollars and 3 mansions worth especially since you weren't on the baketball court with me #justsaying loll I'm definitely not a promoter of mofo's getting paid for something they didn't do male or female and don't care how many kids you have... 2 kids will never spend 75 million dollars again #justsaying lolll.. Then we have Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher ummm yea another situation if we have no kids or no ties and we are going through a divorce and your doing things to harm yourself ummm I wouldn't be running to your side as harsh as it sounds I'm just being real... lolll... That's just ridiculous... It's just aggravates me how these people make a mockery of marriage I'm sure it's way over 50 percent of divorces now just with these clowns alone... In other news as some of my reality shows have come to an end Love & Drama I'll comment more when I see the reunion show as well as Kim & Kourtney do I really need to comment on that except saying Kris Humphries should be counting his blessings lolll My current reality shows The Braxtons If I had a sister like Tamar I'd kill myself.com loll Real Housewives of Atlana which seems to be very interesting these days seems as though Nene is on prozac or something she's way too calm lolll I'm looking forward to Basketball Wives so look out for my commentary on that again lollll... So with all of this drama in the news and on reality tv it encouraged me to do some 2012 cleaning to my social networking lists as you just read I can get enough Drama from reading entertainment news and watching tv rather than in people's never never land they call facebook and twitter lolll... Since I've done this I'm able to enjoy these sites a little bit more without these mofo's that consistenly pop up in my newsfeed about the same shyt different day even though it was a ton of blog material for me it was also extremely old very quickly lolll... With all this being said I'm signing off for now... Happy Black History Month I'm sure there will be some mofo on my page putting up a black person every day for the next 29 days lolll...

Love Always,

Mz Nan

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