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Who is Mz Nan

Summerville, South Carolina, United States
My Name is Nannette Nicole Ewing-Dewese some of you all know me as Nannette, Nan, or Nicky, I'm 35, Born in Boston MA, but raised in Cambridge MA. I relocated to Summerville, SC October 2010.... Happily Married...


Welcome to my blog Real is Real.... This blog is about keeping it real about real life issues and topics.... I won't accept fake people on my blog site as I will have no problems calling you out... lollll.... I also want to have fun with it as well. I hold nothing back so if you are the type to get offended my blogs won't be for you. lolll... I hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy. :)

Mz Nan.....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's December so all you mofo's that are getting ready for your I can't believe 2011 is gone already with the how you are going to become the new Oprah/Michael Baisden in 2012 along with complaining about Christmas shopping... Ummm I can't feel your pain because it's not me... lol... I'm going to be the same person on 12/31/11 that I will be on 1/1/12... Christmas is on the calendar every year so you shouldn't be shocked when it comes around and usually when the time goes forward which happens to be at the end of every year it does go fast lolllll.. With that being said Let's jump right into it.... Black Friday vs Cyber Monday.... I was having a conversation with my cousin "Kevin Clarke" and mentioned to him that the liquor stores made a ton of money this Black Friday and Cyber Monday moscato and peach ciroc sold out because it seems as though "chicks" are on some new bullshyt not sure if it's because they are starting the New Year resolutions early and getting rid of the dude they are going to talk to anyways because they are lonely on New Year's Eve or someone filled there head with the typical bunch of bullshyt but ummm some of the shyt that i've been coming across lately as they say in the twitter world #ultimatefail.. lolll... There's nothing more aggravating then a bunch of whiny/katty bitches lolll.. That's why I stated earlier in the week I can only hang with one female at a time.. loll.. The reality show market is not helping either with putting all these moscato chicks together in one room... lollll... Like I've stated many many times I don't knock anyone's hustle or whatever, but when you think you are better than others because you have your cyber world church choir you don't have to worry about me being apart of that not going to happen... lolll... When someone starts cutting me a check to entertain America or cyber land you will receive some of my best material lollll but since that's not the case not yet anyways lol... K.I.M as my boy Litho would say "Keep It Moving"... I'm a only child and don't demand the attention that some these broads have been demanding lately... I think I'm going to put a plug into Facebook and Twitter so we can get some type of award show going because people are really going H.A.M like they are nominated for a Grammy or something if I could only be a fly on the wall in there house on a daily basis I can only imagine.... loll.. I just might start my own reality show "Cyber Hoes and Bytches" I'm sure I would hit record numbers just like all the rest of the reality shows on VH1, bravo, etc... It's not that serious I just hope there kids don't turn out the same way because I know I couldn't have a mini me I'd be in jail lolllll and I'm not even 10 percent as bad as some of you all are... I just had to get that off my chest... I'll be back soon with my next blog until then....

Love Always,

Mz Nan

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