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Who is Mz Nan

Summerville, South Carolina, United States
My Name is Nannette Nicole Ewing-Dewese some of you all know me as Nannette, Nan, or Nicky, I'm 35, Born in Boston MA, but raised in Cambridge MA. I relocated to Summerville, SC October 2010.... Happily Married...


Welcome to my blog Real is Real.... This blog is about keeping it real about real life issues and topics.... I won't accept fake people on my blog site as I will have no problems calling you out... lollll.... I also want to have fun with it as well. I hold nothing back so if you are the type to get offended my blogs won't be for you. lolll... I hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy. :)

Mz Nan.....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I know it's been a few days.... So I'll jump right into it lol... Parents vs Friends... I'm not a parent and will never be one lolll... But I do have a young mother and I can't understand this trend of parents being best friends with there children????? Can someone explain to me what that is about???? *Sidenote* I'm not clubbing with my mother, I'm not drinking with my mother, I'm not sharing personal/intimate details about my social life with my mother, etc... I know someone that dayum near wanted to jump off a bridge because there kid was going away to school 20 minutes away because they were use to hanging out with kid like it was one of her girls..... WTF... I don't even feel comfortable having a social drink in a social setting when my mother is there let alone going to a bar drinking with her... I don't even get a drink when we go out to dinner lollll... That's just me... I'm not here to judge it's just my opinion... There's nothing wrong with having that friendly type of relationship with your parent but you have to draw the line somewhere.... I was married to one of these people that was best friends with the kids go out partying with the son and daughter and go to the bars with them.... Ummm negative.... I couldn't get with that one at all nor will I ever understand it... I'm not interested in my mother sharing her personal details with me either all set, but some people have that type of relationship more power to them it just couldn't be me.... Some people wonder why some of there kids turn out certain ways or act certain ways because you never set those boundaries... Again just my opinion.... I definitely like to hear thoughts and comments from you parents out there... lollll

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Tuesday Everyone... I figured I'd give you all a day to get over the "Monday Blues"... The topic of discusson today is why do you feel the need to have a "press conference" with your friends/family about your current relationship... Then you want to get mad when he or she f**ks them... loll... Ummm what's that really about???? If you have issues with the person that you are with day in and day out why wouldn't you discuss the issues with him or her rather than someone that doesn't live in your house. Also the person you confide in 90% of the time isn't a person that should be giving advice anyways because they are in a f**ed up relationship/situation themselves.... That's why I always say unless the person is doing better than me or learned from past mistakes I don't take their advice for anything all set.. lolll... Lot's of people tried to volunteer there advice or thoughts with me and all I say is my infamous line "Thanks for Sharing" because they were definitely in no position to judge or talk like most people I know...I might know a handful of people that I would consider even listening too... I guess as long as you have all the outings, keep pouring the wine/moscato/nuvo/ciroc, etc you'll have a bunch of bitter ass mofo's that will always be willing to listen and advise... I can get the same results having a conversation with my dayum self and don't have to worry about the surrounding drama or being a topic of conversation... Let me know your thoughts and comments on this one.... lol... As always...


Mz Nan

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Sunday.... Hopefully you all had a good weekend I know some of you all are complaining about going to work tomorrow because the weekend went too fast... lolll... Get over it or get another job... lolll... Anyways todays topic of discussion is Fact vs Fiction... Another topic near and dear to my heart lollll... I have the upmost respect for people that have gone to college, own there home, and have a good job. What I don't respect is when people try to throw it in your face like they are better than you... I've owned a house, had a brand new car, went to business school (not college), and been married I guess lived the American Dream minus the kids lollll... I definitely never thought I was better than anyone not even a little bit. For some people that's there only topic of conversation what they have or have done, but can't afford a #1 at mcdonalds or still have to borrow money to make ends meet... Again this is why I laugh when I am social networking and see some of things that people say and I say to myself WTF.... Any of my real friends are not my friends because of what I've had or have and if they are your true friends or family they won't care they'll just support you no matter what.... and always remember I know some of you in real life lolll I can't stress that enough... You all can convince your fan club, but I know the real deal... Also another thing followers will get nowhere either. Just because your friend/family is doing something and you decide to do it also doesn't mean it'll work for you. I tend to see alot of that going on as well... I'm glad I'm my own person and could care less what anyone thinks (That's also what kept me in trouble as a kid lollll)... Just be true to yourself and rest will follow... Thoughts or Comments.... Enjoy your day.....

Love Always,

MZ Nan