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Who is Mz Nan

Summerville, South Carolina, United States
My Name is Nannette Nicole Ewing-Dewese some of you all know me as Nannette, Nan, or Nicky, I'm 35, Born in Boston MA, but raised in Cambridge MA. I relocated to Summerville, SC October 2010.... Happily Married...


Welcome to my blog Real is Real.... This blog is about keeping it real about real life issues and topics.... I won't accept fake people on my blog site as I will have no problems calling you out... lollll.... I also want to have fun with it as well. I hold nothing back so if you are the type to get offended my blogs won't be for you. lolll... I hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy. :)

Mz Nan.....

Friday, October 21, 2011

TGIF Mofo's... I'm sure some of you are getting ready to hit the club or have your weekly "meeting in the ladies room or boys club"... lolll.... My topic for today might be a sensitive subject for some of you. As you know I don't give a f**k... lol... I'm going to need some commentary on this one Fantasy vs Reality. Why is it people especially on social networking sites nowadays make people think there life is a thousand times better than what it really is???? Everyday I'm on facebook and twitter I see some of these status updates and say to myself WTFFF especially when I know some of you mofo's in real life... My personal favorite is when the relationship statuses start changing to it's complicated (still can't figure that one out just fuggin stupid) to it's single... Now I've been in a relationship for a year in a half and hasn't so much put a pic of him yet not that there's anything wrong with it... My reality is just real and I don't need to justify to anyone in the world especially strangers unlike some of you all your fantasy is your reality... Like I always say if you just keep it real there wouldn't be so much unecessary drama and stress in the world... I also like when people are dr jekyll on facebook and mr hyde on twitter... We all have our good and bad days but dayum.... I just want to give a little bit of advice when your fantasy life is so "perfect" to the whole social networking world then it comes crashing down (because obviously it wasn't all that perfect lol) you look like a real asshole then you become this keep it real advocate and you are going to start living your life for you blah blah blah.... Then comes things are going to be different in the following year because you changed to be this better person... lolllll... Can you please just stop with bullshit????? It makes my eyes bleed when I read that nonsense... lollll... I love the entertainment that I get on a daily bases from social networking... lolll.. It makes the day go by quicker and of course gives me material for my blogs among other things.....lolll.... I'm sure if something pops up later I'll be blogging it until then... Thoughts and comments are appreciated... Enjoy your weekend...

Love Always,

Mz Nan

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well... I have to say I appreciate the love so far.... Now on to "grown folks business" as my partner Dave would say..... Ladies and Gents of the jury can you please answer this question for me???? Why is it when we say "We don't want a relationship" (basically a friend with benefits) that we tend to break the rules and stop "Playing our position" meaning after several encounters or so we say we want a relationship... What is that sh*t really about? On the other hand if you are steady whining and dining a person you are at fault somehow also... I've told several people on more thanone occasion the more you whine and dine someone the chances of your tires getting slashed is greater. lol.;; At the same time mofo's tend to use "sex as a weapon" which is breaking rules 1-50.... The casual dating scene would be a more peaceful place if mofo's knew how to play there position.... Every now and again it's ok to break the rules as long as it's a mutual thing not a one sided thing. There are those rare cases like myself where I married what was supposed to be my one night stand.... lolll. Now I'm divorced so how did that work out for me???? loll... Anywho... I'd like to read people thoughts on this topic... lolll...

**Disclaimer** I'm in a meaningful relationship now so most of 99.9% of my experiences are past for the record before any "Cambridge" rumors get started. lollll.

Love Always,

Mz Nan
Welcome ladies and gentleman to my blog site Real is Real.... This is an open forum to keep it real... Like I say on my fb page I know some of you mofo's in real life and I will have no problem calling you out. lol. Before I get started I want to make a few things clear please pay ATTENTION to the following below:

1. This is not the Waiting to Exhale Blog
2. This is not the Girls Night Out Blog
3. This is not the Male vs Female bashing Blog
4. My personal favorite this is not the I'm mad at my man let's have a glass of Moscato Blog

I can go on and on but I just wanted to show you a few examples of what this isn't and anyone that knows me knows I'm not into that drama s**t lolll... I respect everyone's opinion and thoughts and will not delete you or your posts because I don't agree with something. If you get disrespectful that's a whole other story....

One more thing I forgot to mention if you are under 30 there will be some things on here you might not understand lollll... For example real music... Anyone that wants to sit here and debate that "Lil Wayne is the best rapper of all time" well you know what you can do "Kick Rocks" lollll... I'm sure I'll have music as one of my blogs at some point... loll...

I'd appreciate any feedback negative or positive... If there are any specific topics you'd like to discuss I have no problems playing Dear Abby from time to time lollll...

There are going to be moments there I won't add the *** to my words so if you are easily offended I'll apologize in advance but I'm not changing my style to accomodate anyone point blank... With that being said let's get this show on the road..... Welcome to my first blog Opening Night...Stay Tuned... Thanks again for Visiting..

Love Always,
Mz Nan